Jerry & Bill
Needless to say based on the email I received this morning the community is very upset with you guys for not negotiating anything on behalf of the community and accepting the assets "As Is". I stayed out when so many encouraged me to get involved, well I think the community will now vote a "No Confidence" vote on you guys and the SC after this fiasco without presenting your plan to the community.
I will arrange a meeting with Federico Salazar and develop a new panel of owners for us to move forward and this panel will negotiate in good faith and present the options to the community to vote.
Your group is "irrelevant " now and we are tired with the no transparency agendas. You have had 3 years and well over $150K of wasted homeowner money on your failed agenda.
There are many well versed & competent owners in this community who will now be appointed outside of this SC and get this done properly with integrity and for the best interest of ALL VE owners, not just the few with their own agenda.
I will gladly forward this email and your response to both blogs.
Mark Schneider
On 2014-06-09 8:18 am, Bill Day wrote:
Mark,The VEHOA Steering Committee has appointed me and Jerry Loveless to negotiate with Federico about the transfer of the VE infrastructure to VEHOA. I will attempt to make contact with him.Bill Day
The last email Federico sent out to the entire VE community included correspondence from Bill Day stating that the VE SC, and their"transfer team", were not ready to move forward with negotiations at that time. That is why Federico asked the homeowners to hold a general assembly meeting so he could present his ideas of a road-map to move forward. Did Bill Day and Jerry Loveless ever meet with Federico? What was the outcome of those meetings? If there were no meetings, why? Is there still a transfer committee? This committee was to work on the transfer outside of the SC and report their findings and suggestions. Why has the SC recently told the developer that they want the infrastructure transferred immediately "AS-IS"? was this at the recommendation of Jerry and Bill? if not, on whose advice is the SC basing their new position regarding the asset transfer?
Lots of questions here that we homeowners should not have to ask a transparent SC who represents all homeowners without any private agenda.
I know for a fact Mark Schneider offered to be part of the transfer team and these 2 guys rejected Mark from being involved as I heard they told others he would just take it all "As Is" from Thalia. Wow, speak about calling the kettle black. Bill Day is nothing more than a self agenda Hypocrite as outlined in their acceptance and taking it all from the developer AS IS. Shame, Mark is one sharp guy who understands these type of complexities. Once again the owners lose! We need to take our community back!
Why under any circumstances would the HOA take over the community assets "As Is" It is pretty clear that they owe us items since Sam made such commitments. I am a bit concerned though.
1) Will the operating and management cost us start up funding?
2) Who will manage all of this for the community?
3) 2am on a Sat.the power goes out in a select area of VE? Who do we call?
4) We already struggle to have owners rep. us on the SC and a great amount of owners do not support this current SC, so who will volunteer their time to oversee this project.
I am hesitant to support this action until all of our questions are answered.
Well, I am Jon Arcuni and I am not anonymous. Most of you have seen me with a pumping crew pumping out the shit from the WWTPs and cleaning your grease traps. You also know that I am chairman of the water and sewerage committee and have helped many to overcome severe water problems. I have questions to ask everyone to consider concerning the "as is" takeover of the infrastructure, especially since I am the first to be called if there is a water, sewerage, and even electrical emergency. Never mind my previous experience in Municipal government on a pro-bono basis. ( Unpaid, for those who do not understand, and I and your SC do this ). I am not a member of the SC and have no intention to run for the job.
Questions about "as is " acceptance:
1. Does the developer have the money or will to bring up the infrastructure to plans.
2. In the absence of money to do such, can it be done by the developer? Can any government ministry force the expenditure of funds when the funds may not exist? Does anyone outside of the developer know the developer's financial assets and money available to fix the infrastructure?
3. Is the golf course and resort profitable or is it steadily bleeding money?
4. What will happen to VE if the golf course or resort cannot continue to operate?
5. Does the golf course and resort bring prestige to the community and add to the value of our residences? What will be the effect on residence value and resale if the golf course goes to weeds and the resort cannot continue.
6. Can the resort and golf course be sold and made profitable if it is not profitable at this time? Who will buy and does the buyer have the expertise
in resort and food management?
7. In order to save the golf course and resort, if they are bleeding money, are you in agreement that additional high density development in the form of condos be built? Can these condo's be sold in today's bad economic climate to whomever?
8. Do the residents of VE really wish self determination and a homeowners association? If not, who will maintain the infrastructure? What will be the costs to individual homeowners? Can we trust Panamanian or Municipal government to do the job?
I ask these questions because I do not know the answers. Hopefully those on the veneighbors site may know answers to these questions and offer detailed facts, not speculation.
Additional question:
If you are dissatisfied with the actions or lack of action by the board of directors or SC of the VEHOA who will you get to replace them? When you complain about the expense of legal representation, do you know a way to do things without lawyers under Panamanian law? You will note that members of the SC have been sued, and who will put themselves at risk for any position.
Last year the VEHOA had a very difficult problem getting people to serve. Will you serve and put the time in? Do you have any expertise to offer? Many can talk the talk but cannot walk the walk.
Why are so many on the veneighbors site posting under "anyonymous" What are they afraid of? And why do comments have to be approved by the moderator? Do VE members use bad language and issue threats of physical harm, shoot birds and issue profanities? I know of only one. Everyone's opinion needs to be heard, it is the democratic way.
Jon Arcuni #67
Dear Mr. Arcuni
As you may now know, contrary to a small group of owners calling this a "trash" site, we have a large number of owners who agree with each other collectively. We have busy lives and look for enjoyment and have grown real tired of being attacked, harassed and demonized by this SC & its group; So our posted message's speak on topic as we put our thoughts out there for others to consider without such attacks.
Mr. Schneider offered his services many months ago to represent us for the TOA, and was not accepted because the SC group essentially said he was a " puppet " for the developer and would just take the TOA "As Is". Who would think he was the owner upset that this SC did just that!
We are glad he has now stepped up to spearhead the TOA and will move forward with an independent analysis and report back to the community with complete transparency and ask the community as whole what they would like to do and vote on a proposed plan of options, so we can get this resolved as a final chapter for VE and move on for all owners best interest.
We support him and his efforts.
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