Update: Marks request to have this below posted on the vehoa blog was ignored by the SC.
If the SC would have allowed for an overview of different objectives to be put in front of the community instead of the choice of words used "AS IS" much of the problems could have been avoided in the letter. VE is at a very tenuous place as we know and "construe" comes to mind when we have opposing views without clarity.
On another note............….
Candidly, My goal for the VE SC would be to do the following and promote it as fast as possible to ALL owners:
1) Wrap up the TOA (get the best deal possible to appease all parties with firm attainable goals in negotiating with Thalia / Federico, but get it done.)
2) Edit / Alter the CC&R's to simplify VE obligations /commitments to minimize the number of owner participants from day to day functioning and obligations (because it is too time consuming and hard to get owners to engage.)
3) Design a community model as best we can that is "autopilot" oriented with an administrator at the helm who reports to a 3 person overview board as the board (SC) desires. (they decide).
4) Design the community website for interaction of voting on line / communicating ( nicely ) with each other (I think it can be much more functional and user friendly for the older folks here.)
5) Put budgeted funds into immediate defined Road Improvements (entrance), Security, New Entrance Face lift, Create a PR campaign "The New VE" Fighting Is Over in VE, Happy Days Are Back! (Restore Property values) immediately.
If you guys want this, I am on your team, if you want to continue down the current road, I wish you the best, but count me out! ( just do not interfere with my rights as an owner or inflict expenses on me w/o my approval outside of road, security and basic budget demands.)
I have a very workable and respected relationship with Federico / Thalia. Can I make any commitments "NO", but I am your best option to secure the best deal in VE for ALL owners given the community upheaval for the past 4 years.
So, if you truly want resolution and get a chance to get our lives back to normalcy/happiness the above plan is what I believe is your best option for all owners. Continuation of war only leads dead soldiers to be buried!
A Simple Life Lived Is The Most Rewarded!
I know Mark is a very FAIR person. He believes in complete openness on issues of VE that concern us all. He is intelligent and has a plan to bring us back together with the homeowners rights being a top priority.
He is honest and fair, and thats what we desperately need now. If you read all the posts written by him on the veneighbors site you will see where his heart is. He has offered to help on many issues. If you believe otherwise, then you have been lied to by members of the SC. See for yourself.
Please read the facts and realize the truth of whats happening and lets get behind Mark and see what he can do with the TOA, and bringing VE back together as a beautiful place to live.
I just read the new headline of VEHOA blog "Mark Schneider turned down SC offer." With all due respect as I do not know the Man, what makes him any different/better then any other owners in VE? So he has big house, whooopie doo! Why is there not a headline email / article, "Opening for new SC member lets vote, come one, come all!" This would be more appropriate or a full announcement to let the community vote on Mr. Griffin to be a SC member. VE is so politically pitiful! One thing I will say regarding Schneider, he is right, start over and fresh with a completely new SC, obviously he is objective in his writing. Why won't this SC just agree to step down and start over? I wouldn't serve with them either!
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