If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Any Rational Person would step down with the large number of homeowners asking you to resign and with all your lies now exposed. WHY ARE YOU STILL DESPERATELY HOLDING ON?

To: The Remaining SC Members

I have received numerous communications between all of you, whether on record or not, indicating total lack of transparency among each other, the community and incredible insulting name calling of many owners (myself included) with whom you disagree. Amazingly childish I might add.  The dysfunctional nature of this SC must end once and for all in VE. 

Needless to say, what are you holding onto and why?  Your most recent email asking the community to vote on supporting you or not, while explaining yourselves regarding your actions forcing RC to resign would have been a real "No No' if you had competent counsel advising you.  

Are you aware that your legal thesis to the HOA regarding why you forced RC out now clearly establishes your prior knowledge of his past months ago and confirms that all of you were / have been complicit in hiding it from the owners of VE for months?  Not a wise decision to post this if you have criminal / civil charges levied against you in this matter.  Needless to say it also validates to the entire community a longstanding prior agenda to ignore our pleas months ago over and over when the community wanted Richard to step down and we were met with complete silence by all of you.  Shame on all of you!  

I now also see the communication(s) between all of you which confirms there was no real intention to have me serve on the SC as I had said.... It was all B.S. to put our your propaganda headline to the community that "Mark Schneider Turns down offer to serve on the SC "  in a fake effort to appear you were inclusive of others!  What a farce!  


 To be clear & transparent. (I and others met with Julio Brown recently, OUR, HOA attorney. Rumor's persist that you now want to terminate the contract with Julio Brown. If true, and you decide to break the contract you "the SC" signed with him.....The HOA will insist each of you personally pay for it in its entirety out of your own pockets, not the HOA  budget this time.)

Julio will be assisting me in reviewing all the detailed plans, documents and legal ramifications to the HOA for the transfer of assets.  We will then be scheduling a meeting with Federico and their lawyer and begin the legal process and civil process of establishing mutual objectives.  All will be prepared in an outline to the community to review, the community will be involved in each step of the process .

We are also told the SC is not legal in its standing according to our by-laws, so a general assembly meeting will be called soon to insure we are a legal community in good standing according to our regulations and by laws.

From all the communications flying around it is quite apparent you as a group are in complete disarray and dysfunctional at best to perform any SC functions for the best interest of the community right now.

Your group runs this SC like a soap opera for self interest and amusement.  You have zero concern for the owners or what is in the best interest of the community as a whole.  You have all been asked repeatedly to step aside, you continue to resist the will of the community, this while many of you are facing serious legal charges for your recklessness which you should take serious. 

In my opinion, and also of many other owners you are not fit to serve and should allocate your time to defend yourselves. I assure you the email you just sent out to the community will not help you in your legal case.

I am asking you one last time to put your personal emotions aside once and for all, stop the name calling and be professional and just resign and save the HOA the time and aggravation to make it legal.  We have a group of owners in place who will assist the community in this transition period until we can have a legal and fresh functioning body.

Please, no more threats and name calling, it will serve no purpose in healing this community. You have my permission to pass this email along to anyone you wish.

Mark Schneider 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I read into what Mark said it looks like the VEHOA retained attorney also feels that the VEHOA SC is/was illegal. This is the same as I have heard from other reputable Panamanian attorneys. That would mean that all decisions made and contracts entered into, including the one with Julio, by the SC are not legally binding. I hope these individuals have deep pockets as I am sure they will be personally sued for the damages they have caused countless individuals and companies.
We VEHOA homeowners need to also get together and possibly join in a suit to demand that these individuals reimburse the HOA for any and all cost they have incurred, including legal fees, while functioning illegally.
I will get a petition together and once there is the proper momentum I will publish all the names including mine. Can someone who has connections with Panamanian Law Enforcement find out what is required to have these individuals criminally charged and post as a comment here?
A very pissed off VE homeowner.