If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Monday, August 18, 2014

WOW! VE Neighbors Blog reaches thousands of page views in record time! OWNERS ARE ENGAGED!

In Just 3 short weeks the VE neighbor's Blogspot has reached over 5,700 page views, countless interactions, questions before never answered and honest clarity of the issues needing to be solved in Valle Escondido;
Well over 70 property owners are engaged and exchanging ideas for honest solutions to our problems without fear, threats or lies!
Its time for the owners of VE to start with a new direction inclusive of all owners opinions, views and solutions!  
No more threats or intimidation, We only want dialog for solutions to our problems! 

certified page count stamped here!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

How the SC treats Homeowners with legitimate questions.

Hi all Valle Escondido homeowners:  

I thought you might find the reception I had yesterday of interest.  I went into the office of the Homeowners and asked why the homeowners were not asked to vote on an expenditure of $65,000.  One of our Steering Committee members, Jeannie Bell, looked up at me from her chair by her computer and said, 

and I quote, "GET THE F**K OUT OF HERE!".  I really do believe that a gift of a bottle of mouth wash might be appropriate for such a fine speaking lady!  

Mick  Villa #112


To All Homeowners of VE,

After carefully evaluating the events and divisiveness of neighbors in Valle Escondido with the developer and ourselves as neighbors, one thing is very clear.  Apathy!  Did I mention Apathy?   Oh yes, Apathy!

Over 70 individual properties have signed the Homeowners Declaration recently in which all agree we will not be responsible for the reckless and now what appears criminal behavior / charges of this Steering Committee.  

So the question every homeowner needs answered is, "Why in the world would this SC group remain SC members?" Well, here is the buzz apparently getting out by talking birdies in their camp.  The statement below was stated to one of their friends…..

"If we step down as SC members we will lose our right and control of the funds of the HOA to pay our legal fees!"  Did you hear this VE owners?!!  

We at VE neighbors have asked this question over and over to the sc with a response of complete silence.  Now we all know the real answer!





Please email us now with your support. Email only needs to say, "You have my support to remove this committee". Email to:  veneighbors@gmail.com   

Thank you,
The VE Neighbors

Stay up to date at:  www.veneighbors.blogspot.com

Update on the Emergency Medical Project in VE


Grace Griffin and I would like to give you an update on the progress of the Emergency Medical Project.  After only 2 meetings we have achieved the following:

Most of the equipment has been donated, thanks to Jerry Loveless, Sylvia Harvey, Analia Velasquez, Rena Dodd, Rich Heffner, and Molly, among others

Dr. Newton Osborne has provided his medical expertise.

Caesar Sherrard and Ralf Henrich have provided strategies for implementing a live plan.

The bomberos (working through Analia Velasquez) have indicated they want us to teach them CPR.

We have located people willing to teach CPR and First Aid training.

While we applaud and are so very grateful for the generous contributions listed above, Grace and I recognize that at this time we are lacking the community and financial support needed to move forward at this time.  Therefore, we are tabling the project, but are hoping to revive it in early 2015 if there is renewed interest in moving forward on this.  We remain committed to this project and look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you,
Barb Severs

Friday, August 15, 2014

Important Concerns over Olga's statements that will effect us all.

Olga, since you seem to be so forthcoming, (your answers to previous questions are below in blue), we ask for additional clarity, so all owners will understand your position with the SC and the VE community, and maybe we can put all these issues to rest as they relate to you.

1) You admit that your husband is working for and getting paid by Charbit which is quite concerning not only because he is your spouse, but more importantly because now many residents have learned, for the first time, that he is also on the real board of directors for the VEHOA. Obviously this is a disturbing conflict of interest. You state that your husband will easily step down if a "suitable" replacement is found. Any idea why the SC has never asked any owners at large for their suggestions, and what is "suitable"? 

2) Are you compensated for any other services from any homeowner in VE and if so, who?

3) You tell us to read your deposition, which is part of the developer’s criminal case against steering committee members, the SC as a group, and the entire VEHOA of which every homeowner is party to. 

Also as part of this case are the copies of over 1,100 text messages between yourself and the General Manager of the Valle Escondido development. 

Please provide us with a copy of both those text messages and the deposition for us to post for the homeowners to view, so all owners can objectively see these conversations in context.

4) It is our understanding that after the deposition you immediately text-ed the General Manager with something like "You are a rat, this is personal now", Is this true?

5) It is also our understanding that in your deposition you never deny sending those messages to the GM which include statements like "wear a bullet proof vest", "I warned them that what they are doing (Steering Committee) is slanderous and criminal", "they hate Thalia", "these people (SC) have very bad intentions", "watch your back", and the numerous "can you meet with me later, I have to tell you things in confidence". Those texts even reference who on the steering committee wrote the slanderous comments against the developer and how the SC voted on it to be published. 

It is also our understanding that the validity of these texts is being proven by the cell phone company, as well as a computer forensics expert. Are you now denying sending these texts messages?

6) Have you ever used aliases in your life, such as Olga Suarez Montero, even if they were never your "legal" name?

7) Your answer sidestepped the question in your response to whether you are aware that your text statements could cause great harm to our community from the criminal, and eventually civil lawsuit, against the individual SC members, the SC as an entity representing all VE homeowners, and the VEHOA itself, of which all homeowners could be held liable. 

You say it will be handled by your private lawyer. What does that mean? Who is your lawyer so we can request a response from him/her? Needless to say, we as homeowners very well may be at risk. Who is paying your legal fees? 

Please understand, many VE owners have reviewed this case with outside attorneys and these matters are much more serious than Mr. Brown is stating to the SC. We are all possibly liable and we have yet to hear that the SC will indemnify the HOA for their actions in these matters. This cannot be taken lightly anymore. 

The VE Neighbors
Olgas answers in blue.

A couple of important questions we all want to know from you (Olga) to clarify possible concerns. 

1) Why are you needed to work full time if Rosa worked half the time? How much do you make a month, not by the hour?
My scope of work is completely different. I meet with Engineers to assess issues with infrastructures, I do full accounting administration and other matters besides the email answering and basic translation Rosa did. 

2) What are your last 4 months pay? 
Available at the office for review upon appointment and a member of the SC 

3) Is your Husband employed by Charbit? 
My husband is assisting Empresas Charbit, S.A. in handling the construction only of house 147 

4) Is your husband on the VEHOA board and if so, why? This would be a complete conflict of interest to many of us in VE as owners. 
Yes, upon resignation from Mayita, a new member needed to be on the BOD. He will easily step down if you find a replacement that its suitable.
5) Were you offering confidential & private information to Analia and or Thalia that should have been confidential to the VE community?
FALSE and it is in the hands of my private lawyer. Read my deposition.
6) Are you aware that your text statements could cause great harm to our community from a criminal lawsuit against the SC members? 
This shall be handled by my private lawyer. Paid for by me with private funds to defend my name and reputation.

If you chose to ignore answering these questions, you put yourself in a negative light to the HOA who pay you, not the SC.

Deflection and purposely ignoring important issues are tiring to all of us.

The VE Neighbors 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Why Would Jon Arcuni Attack An Owner & His Opinion?

Steering Committee "hitman" Arcuni ridicules another owner for opinion! This man is a disgrace, so sorry Neigenfinds.

I don’t know any of you on the steering committee personally, but I have grown to know you through your emails. I have lived and currently live in developments with a HOA and I have never seen anyone act so unprofessionally. Your inability to conduct courteous negotiations show your lack of business sense. Rule #1 is keeping an open dialog with the people you are negotiating with. Your continuous emails making personal insults on people are the actions of Jr. Hi kids, not professionals. You act as if you are in a position of power and you are not. We are merely visitors in this country. You are negotiating with a partner that also has a vested interest in this community, not an enemy. When the head of your group sends out an email stating that she was so upset that she had to be hospitalized, it is probably time to consider that if you can’t take the heat that you created,it may be time to step aside and let someone more professional take over. These are problems that you created by your egos getting out of hand.
When we bought our property in Valle Escondido in 2010, it was a nice peaceful place that we thought we would like to live in full time. You have turned it into an uncomfortable situation. Yesterday, we sold our property. Because of your actions have affected property values, we sold it for a lot less than it would have sold for before you created this problem. Your actions have affected all homeowners property values and peaceful living conditions.
It is a sad day
  • Jon Arcuni says:
    Reply to Neigenfind, unknown to me. Who is this person?
    And so you blame the steering committee

Letter from Olga and our Response

MS. Olga, 
Based on your concerns, It is many, many owners opinion in VE that you do not serve the community well when you are part of the statements against homeowners you work for. Regardless of what you are told or say, you are paid by the whole community. Many owners feel you do not respect them as owners and or your place of neutrality.

 Making statements and or accusations that falsely attack owners such as 'Chuck Thomas pulling a gun on Charbit', or 'John Maesky carrying on when it was all validated otherwise', these are just a few issues that come to mind and these untruths do not shine a good light on you. 
An observation and suggestion, if you like your job and income, you should focus more on representing all homeowners.  Suggestion, be sweet to all, stay neutral and appreciate your job. We do not want a combative employee. After all, every homeowner pays you.
However, a couple of important questions we all want to know from you to clarify possible concerns. 

1) Why are you needed to work full time if Rosa worked half the time? How much do you make a month, not by the hour?

2) What are your last 4 months pay? 

3) Is your Husband employed by Charbit?  
4) Is your husband on the VEHOA board and if so, why? This would be a complete conflict of interest to many of us in VE as owners. 
5) Were you offering confidential & private information to Analia and or Thalia that should have been confidential to the VE community?  
6) Are you aware that your text statements could cause great harm to our community from  a criminal lawsuit against the SC members? 
If you chose to ignore answering these questions, you put yourself in a negative light to the HOA who pay you, not the SC.
Deflection and purposely ignoring important issues are tiring to all of us.

The VE Neighbors 
--------   Olga's letter to Veneighbors:

I normally would not address your site or dignify the slander and misleading information posted, however, you are now publishing statements that are directly inflicting damage to my image and professional perception. I have hired a private lawyer to defend my honor and reputation, however , I feel obligated to clarify the following false statements and I hope you have the decency to post this, on a personal level, to clear the facts:

1. I do not make double what Rosa made. Matter of fact, I make less on a per hour basis. My invoices are available for review to homeowners, just make an appointment at the office.

2. I met Richard on March 26 when I interviewed for the job. I responded to a classified employment ad placed in encuentra24 on January and subsequently had several email and telephone exchanges with Rosa. The day of my interview I met  Rod Parker via Skype, and met at the office with Jim Maffitt, Barb Votava, Bill Day, John Good, Richard Charbit and Michael Burd. Michael Burd discussed salary and hours with me. Rosa called me the day after to make  the job offer.

3. I met the remaining SC members on the April 1 meeting at the Bamboo Room.

4. To allege that Richard brought me here from one of his past lives is beyond absurd and completely false. 

5. To allege that I work solely for Richard and only follow his will is false and insulting to the other members. The SC works as a team, they respect each other and nothing is done,  said or written without a consensus and majority vote. 

4. I have the highest regard for Mr. Loveless and seek his wise advise often. I know where this statement originates from and my lawyer will handle this matter. 

5. I do not have a personal agenda or vested interest in Valle Escondido, therefore to imply that I make threats, that I insult or slander any homeowner is false and my lawyer will address the issue. I am here to perform a job and I try doing it the best I can

I have made public calls for those homeowners who do not approve of my professional abilities and performance to address the SC, who will review the complaint and take action as they see fit and in the best interest of the VEHOA.  It is sad to see they do this anonymously only in your blog. Although I must confess, I have questioned my reasons for continuing to provide my professional services to VEHOA,  I can tell you that at this point it is mainly a challenge. I am determined to provide support to the VEHOA putting an end to years of wrongdoings and to achieve the goals of the SC for the benefit of the community. 

I am under siege, personally attacked for doing my job but I do not back down as a result of bullying. I have nothing to hide and nothing to fear, those intimidating and scare tactics and the personal attacks will not make me go away. I will go the day the Association decides my services are no longer needed.

I really do hope you post this as a token of your claims of transparency for all homeowners.

Thank you

Olga Caridad Suarez
(The only legal name I have ever had) 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Wake Up!!

This SC has an agenda of total deception in all ways, they actually believe their BS! All will come crashing down when they attempt to get the community to fund an assessment for their woes; then the neighbors who are sleeping will wake up and see them for who they really are and sadly the expense to clean up their mess will not be easy. Everyone should do their best to wake our neighbors up and fast...... 
If you follow their blog, they refer to "our lawyer this, our lawyer that" as the SC......IT IS NOT THEIR LAWYER, IT IS OUR LAWYER AT OUR EXPENSE. and just who is this Olga? What a joke, A new team needs to get in their and clean her out as well and replace her at half the fee, I am told She is making double that of Rosa, and all she does is fight against owners in lock step with the SC..Despicable! 

Lets not fall for their lies anymore on how hard they are working. we are all very tired of it!

Golf Villa Owner 

Sunday, August 10, 2014


Richard Charbit,

Since you avoid and hide at all costs from anyone who exposes who you really are,  I am sending this email to the entire VE community, hoping that once and for all we can get you to stop wasting the community's time with your pathetic lies and rants.
So as I previously did, and offered you (and the entire SC) this opportunity before and you all hid from the challenge, I will offer you to do a recorded Skype call with me and you can ask any question you wish of me and I the same of you, but you MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS WITHOUT DEFLECTION AND MISGUIDED RANTS.  I WILL ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS UNDER OATH AS WELL.

Let’s stop with this and your lies, slander and defamation against me. The community is really tired of this; SO MY CHALLENGE!  If you can prove any of your slanderous lies about me to be true, I will immediately resign from anything to do with BCS and I will leave VE permanently. YOU WILL GET RID OF ME!

However, If you cannot prove through your validated CID agent or others with said proof, You must step down once and for all from the SC and never speak for and or represent the VE community again. I would add that you agree to never return but that is unnecessary since the director of immigration, in Panama, has already confirmed in writing that you are permanently expelled, never to return. Is that also a forged document?

You have never taken one person on to a challenge of truth: so here is your last chance to expose me on tape to the entire community;  Are you a Man or just a little boy who continues to lie, deflect and demonize those who expose you for who you really are? Please put on record your denial of who you really are and commit more parole violations.

Please deny that you were permanently deported from the United States. Please deny that you are a convicted felon still under parole in the US until November 2014. Please tell the VE community when you will be back since you were neither arrested or deported as you told everyone. Please tell us the names of the FBI agents who helped you in their “jaw Dropping” investigation of me.

Be A Man for once in your life and show the community who I really am to get rid of me, I am trying to help you!

If you cannot do this, then for God's sake, shut up and go away for the benefit of the community. 

VE owners are really tired of your lies, deceptions and threats.  

The emperor has no clothes!  That is Richard Charbit!

Prove me wrong! Expose me as you say you will on tape!

If not, stop embarrassing yourself and go away!

Ralf Henrich

P.S. I have sent a copy of the above the VEHOA SC for them to post on their blog since I have no access. Let’s see if they post it or if they give further validation of the need for the VENEIGHBORS blog where the truth can be told.


I sold real estate for over 20 years, purchased in VE recently and quite frankly very scared to expose my identity; The viciousness is like nothing I have ever seen and I am from the northeast U.S. where battles and wars of neighbors are rarely beat anywhere in the world. Valle Escondido tops this! This community and its behavior should be ashamed of itself. I know it is not everyone, but dear God, how long do you folks intend to fight this fight? I find it funny, seems like most owners want out of the Valle and we just got here. How will you get out, I have a few idea's.

* Fire sale your property? What 25% to 50% off just to clear out?

* Sell Your property with "Escrow Hold" on a portion of the sale & after all the fires get put out by the fight, the funds get released to the party of victory! I hear ot could 3 to 10 years.

* Sell on the cheap and hold paper with a contingency due to what looks like some serious liability issues for homeowners!

I have spoken to a few Realtors in Boquete and privately they told me "not a chance" in Valle Escondido;

Can I offer some simple solution options.

1) Hire a 3rd party mediator and both sides, whomever you are step down and stop being so selfish and help save others values who do not wish to be in this fight. 

A Really Concerned Homeowner! 

Water Woes - The Steering Committee and their "water wizard" have created the problems that we currently face

Fellow Homeowners,
In response to the "self-appointed" Steering Committee and their "water wizard" they have created the problems that we currently face .  They have commented that no one should be watering their yards due to the recent few rains.  They have been shutting the water off every night and back on again in the morning around 6:30 or 7:00.  This action creates a buildup of entrained air in the lines leading up to the spring box.  The air that is in the lines creates what is known as a hydraulic slam.  Since we are one of the first houses below the spring box, we receive most of the problem.  Consequently, this huge slam every morning has managed to break pipes in my house.  We now have a two foot hole in the wall below which was necessary to correct a problem.  Also, below, the toilet was damaged and had to be completely rebuilt and reinstalled onto the floor.  Now, it appears there may be a break in the floor of the garage as water is coming up through the tiles.  We have also received damage to the washing machine because the slam has affected the hoses and it leaks.  Because of all this slam and it's damage, we try to reduce the problem by turning on the sprinklers every morning in order to bleed the air   You can actually watch them dance and even sometimes they will turn upside down.  Is this the kind of water control we should look for in this Valle?  Expenses are building.
Bob and Hazel Bowling
Casa 100

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Is Steering Committee/advisors spying on homeowners now????

The following is provided by Chuck Thomas in response to Jon Arcuni's request that I provide an eye witness report. His request is detailed below, followed by my response. This was also posted on the VEHOA blog.

There are witnesses that observed you at the confrontation at the VE office. For the record I will be publishing a record of the event on the blog and have been soliciting unbiased reports of exactly what happened. I was not there and very few homeowners were there. The deserve to have the facts. I would wish a report from you of what you saw and any other information that you wish to submit.  I would like your report to state:

1. Why you were there and if you were notified to be there at the time of the confrontation.
2. Who notified you. How did you get there.
3. What did you see and hear.

You do not have to reply, nobody is forcing you to reply to the above questions. However, I do wish to publish your report, and if you are not forthcoming, it will be noted that you did not choose to answer the above questions. The questions will be published. If you decide not to answer the above questions, the homeowners would surely like to know why. All parties present are being  asked to give an unbiased report, and they include Analia, Ralf, and anyone else. All reports will be published for the benefit of all homeowners. I will make no comments on any report, so you can be assured that this is for information purposes only.
Sincerely yours,

Jon Arcuni ( a homeowner who wishes to be informed )

------------------ MY RESPONSE -----------------

Hello Jon, 

There are concerns that you are the purported "peeping tom" for Ms. Bruner in relation to an incident when Ms. Bruner attempted to blackmail me ( see email attached below). For the record, I will be publishing a record of this event on the neighbors of VE blog.  We find it a concern in VE that we have a SC member who attempts to blackmail neighbors and a great security threat that we have "peeping tom's" lurking amongst us.  So please answer the questions below.  The VE neighbors deserve to have the facts. I would wish a report from you of what you know and your involvement is such a privacy threat/ possible security threat in VE and any other information that you wish to submit.  I would like your report to state:

1. Did Ms. Bruner contact you to spy on my house at any time or did you perform this act of your own volition? 
2. Ms. Bruner was not in VE at the time of the "Peeping" incident, you were, what type of telescopic technology do you employ?
2. Who notified you to call Ms. Bruner, if in deed you are the VE "peeping tom" How did you get a line of sight that it was rum and not a bottle of vodka Analia and I were drinking?
3. What did you see and hear and when did you report it to Ms, Bruner?

You do not have to reply, nobody is forcing you to reply to the above questions. However, I do wish to publish your report, and if you are not forthcoming, it will be noted that you did not choose to answer the above questions. The questions will be published. If you decide not to answer the above questions, the homeowners would surely like to know why. All parties present are being  asked to give an unbiased report, and they include Analia, Ralf, and anyone else. All reports will be published for the benefit of all homeowners. I will make no comments on any report, so you can be assured that this is for information purposes only.

Sincerely yours,
Chuck Thomas

MS. BRUNER'S ATTEMPT AT BLACKMAIL - emailed to Chuck from Carol Bruner:

On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 1:36 PM, Carol Bruner <carolbruner@cox.net> wrote:wrote:
Chuck, thomas

Please know that I do not go professionally by Ms. Bruner, but rather Dr. Bruner.

This is a private communication.  What in the world were you doing a few Sundays ago with Analia Velasquez on your veranda with the bottle of rum?  It doesn't look very good when Faye is out of town for you to be playing around like that.  Not very circumspect.  Latin men might approve but the Gringo community probably would not. There are a lot of rumors circulating and it would be devastating to Faye if they reach her ears.

End of Report! 

Jon Arcuni says:
Eye witness reports will be posted soon as soon as all the eye witnesses and those present reply. If anyone who was there and does not give an eye witness report, it will be noted. The names of who were there are known and will come out in eye witness reports.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Mr. Charbit did say he would answer all questions.

This was emailed this morning to us here at veneighbors with this request. It was also sent on to the steering committee.


Monday, August 4, 2014


Do you know that a few nights ago the new security company SLEPT THROUGH THEIR ENTIRE NIGHTIME SHIFT!!  YES, they pulled the curtains in the office and slept right through the night, not going out on their rounds of our homes that they are entrusted to protect!!! Surely, this must be the LESSER security company.

Surely it cannot be Ralfs company, BCS, who has provided all of Valle Escondido with honest security for several years. Back when homeowners never even had to THINK of security much less talk about it. We were safe and we could rest in that.

And as for stating we the homeowners would be saving 30% from Ralf's contract cannot possibly be true, unless their contractual obligations to guard VE are so minimized in comparison to BCS, that maybe they can sleep through the night shifts. umm.

I think the Steering Committee should show us, the homeowners, the contract with the new company. Showing the pay agreed upon and the number of guards, and their duties.  Lets compare apples to apples. That sounds fair doesn't it. They should be able to post it on both blogs quickly and end this discussion one way or the other.

If you hear that BCS are working illegally, that is an old lie that keeps getting repeated.  

Another UNTRUE "Hit Letter" from Charbit

Below is the response from Mr Charbit from a previous post I made on the VE blog, as well as here followed by my response.
I intend to post no further comments about this issue.
I am posting this response after several vicious attacks from Mr Griffin (verbal and written ) against the SC and myself personally.
Once again I will go straight to the heart of the problem: MONEY.
1. Mr Griffin will you please share with all your neighbors in VE and specially with the other condos owners the “special deal” (as you once described it to me) that you stroke with the developer after you bought your condos.
You said that you were FINANCIALLY satisfied with that “special deal”.
Why don’t you share with your neighbors so they can benefit as well OR are you benefiting on the back of the community?
2. Mr Griffin your sudden love for Ralf and BC can only be explain by your participation of the cash bailout of BC and your anxiousness to RECOUP your MONEY.
You have lived in VE for a very short period of time and yet you are an expert on Ralf
Tell your neighbors the truth Mr Griffin!
THIS whole group want us to pay 30% more for lesser security to an unlicensed and illegal security company so they can recoup their investment.
Very nice and neighborly of them……
Richard Charbit

Good day Mr. Charbit.

I would be glad to share any and all information that I can. First of all I did not say anything to you about a financial settlement – there was none. I did say I was satisfied with the situation in the condo and would not join in any action you and the SC might initiate.

Secondly – as to my arrangements with Ralf. Please have your FBI investigator fill me in on this. I am not aware of my investment and certainly do not want to leave any money on the table.

Reread my original post. I did not proclaim that Ralf was the ultimate solution for security in VE, in fact I was very careful to not say anything that I could not back up via personal contact with Ralf.

Lastly and most importantly: Your comments about Caesar Sherrad. I hope every member of the VE community reads each and every line you have written about Caesar.

To the community at large:
Regardless of your opinion on the recent events in VE. Regardless of your opinion of any of the factions that are currently operating in VE. Please stop and take a moment for personal reflection.

Do the statements made about Mr. Sherrard reflect how you want the community you have chosen for retirement to present itself to Boquete, to Panama or to your former home and neighbors?

More importantly do the statements and accusations being made about Mr. Sherrard reflect your own personal values?

If no – regardless of how you want the issues in VE be resolved – there are steps that must be taken and taken now.

Dennis Griffin
Casa 56

After reading Mr. Charbits letter in the VEHOA publication concerning Caesar Sherrard the following occurred to me.

If you do read the details of the murders/rape that happened a the Black Rock Lodge, you would note, as I did, where the bad guys came from! how they got there! how they were armed ! dark of night ! tore out communications !, disappeared in the woods ! what could anyone do to stop the mayhem? The fact that he (Caesar) did not want to talk to the media could be the police instructed him not to.  They would not be interviewed either.  Maybe to protect the victim's privacy, Maybe for insurance reasons.  Many reasons could explain that.

Now Caesar Sherrard is here, could it be he is trying to protect his friends and neighbors from like attacks?

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Insights from a Homeowner

I have not posted any comments until this but feel after reading Mr. Charbit's and the SC's report on Ralf I feel that several comments are in order.
First I have not personally investigated Ralf Henrich's background so I cannot speak to the accuracy or inaccuracy of the report provided by Mr. Charbit and the SC.  I do have to say however that the report seems to use terms such as 'may have', 'might cause', 'does seem' to an extent that makes most of the purported facts highly suspect.

Secondly, since BCS has now been removed as a contractor for VE why the continued attacks by Mr. Charbit and the SC?  These continuing attacks only expose the HOA to even more liability then already exists and serve no useful purpose for the HOA.

Thirdly, and the point I find most interesting, is why is a 'Senior Agent of the Criminal Investigative Division (CID)' of the US FBI doing an investigation at the behest of Mr. Charbit and the SC?   I am not an attorney but it seems to indicate at least a serious violation of privacy rights by the investigating officer and quite possibly one more legal morass into which Mr. Charbit and the SC will be involved.  The big difference with this one is it would likely be in the US rather then Panama and there will be no HOA financial backstop for those involved.

Fourth, I have not known Ralf long but in that time have never had reason to either distrust him or feel less then  comfortable with the services he has provided.  A point in fact: Earlier this week I attended a meeting of the newly formed emergency medical team.  For those that do not know, this team is in the early stages of forming a 'first response' medical team for VE.  There had been an ongoing discussion as to how to organize so that when a quick response was required the team could ensure that proper equipment and personnel would get to the victim as soon as possible.    Ceasar Sherrard, who was in attendance, said he knew Ralf had gone through this exact exercise several years ago and would it be ok to call him.  He did so and very shortly Ralf joined our meeting – showing no animosity or making any attempt to do anything but impart valuable information to the team.  In very short order he explained several major issues in the plan the team was formulating.  He then explained how the team might better utilize the resources available and where there would likely be issues (such as language).  In short, with his help I believe the team made significant progress toward a successful implementation in the near future.  

If, and when that happens, I hope all of the residents of VE offer a big Thank You to Ralf for his valuable assistance.

Note:  There are still significant hurdles to be overcome but the community should be very aware that Barbara Severs, Grace Griffin and others are working very hard to make this medical team a reality.

Dennis Griffin
Casa 56

Friday, August 1, 2014

Perhaps something to think about. Description of a psychopath.

I received this in my email this morning. It is from a highly credible individual.
It explained a lot for me as I had a business relationship with such a person.

Enjoy, it will surely make some behavior more understandable and perhaps this knowledge can protect you in the future.

New home owner at VE.

Judy and I will be back Aug.14 to Sept.24. Would like to meet more good neighbors.

Joel Mahler

  with Paul Rosenberg | July 24, 2014
They Walk Among Us
[image-They Walk Among Us]
By Paul Rosenberg
Here’s the bad news: Predators walk among us, and they are indistinguishable from normal people. These differently wired humans have a predatory advantage, and they use it. This is not a plot from a scary movie; this is real.
I am deadly serious about this, though by the end of this column, I will also explain why there is also good news.
These predators are called sociopaths (psychopaths in the clinical literature). They rather seldom damage our bodies, but they make careers out of bleeding our souls.
The following "condemnation" for the reported verbal attack on Olga was posted on the VEHOA web site by Jerry Loveless.
I am very sorry that you are having to take the brunt of the personal attacks from two homeowners. By their actions, these two have demonstrated a complete lack of class, which will not be tolerated.
Everyone has a right to their own opinion, but they do not have a right to assault you, a highly valued Employee of the association.
I believe the SC should issue a condemnation of the behaviour of these two, and make it clear that they are unwelcome in the VEHOA office until they can demonstrate civil behavior.
In response to Jerry's letter
Mr. Loveless 
Not certain who were the two residents, that verbally abused Olga, if it did in fact happen, as she only named John Maesky. I will listen to the tape and make that assessment of verbal abuse for myself.  I do however know the two that verbally attacked Analia in her office. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, wow with the verbal assault you and Richard placed on Analia, I do think a condemnation of you two are certainly in order. By the way, a number of us have listend to that tape. It was truly disgusting that two grown men would attempt to attack someone like Analia and furthermore that you demanded that she  sit down so the attack could continue, as she was trying to leave her own office. By the way, I understand that it has been made clear by the developer that several name calling and slandering members are unwelcome on the Resort property. I would assume that there is the possibility of more to come.