If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Contract with Julio Brown attorney.

Dear Neighbors, 
To eliminate any questions, here is the signed contract of our obligation with Julio. Many of us are not happy of this commitment the SC got us into, but we must obligate ourselves to fulfill its obligations as we do not need another BCS debacle with our HOA funds.

Article 2nd
the terms of this contract is two years starting april 2014

Article 5th

the contracting  states that after the signing of this contract may not terminate the contract without the written consent of the attorney otherwise the attorney will  require full payment of the obligation contracted by this means which will not be necessary that the professional services contracted has concluded

If a Panamanian resident of VE would like to translate into english, please send to veneighbors@gmail.com. Thank you

Thursday, October 30, 2014


Dear Fellow Owners
Attached is a very important affidavit from the President of the Board Of Directors for Valle Escondido, Javier Espinosa;  As many of you know, we have a crisis going on in Valle Escondido and until we can resolve all of our elected official issues in accordance to Panamanian law, we thought it best to lean on toward caution to protect our HOA funds from possibly being committed and or taken without the HOA's approval.  We are abundantly careful and looking to protect what little cash flow we have remaining to get us through to pay our remaining obligations and we do not want any acting SC member or one of its advisers to get us committed to any other legal contract or obligation without our majority consent.
We hope each owner respects that we must protect the HOA body and our assets over any self interest.  The continued disintegration and vile relationships of factions within the previous SC and its advisers has forced us to take this action for the protection of all VE owners within the scope of the law to insure we are all protected.  We hope for resolution prior to the Nov. 30th General Assembly meeting and encourage any constructive input from all owners.
The Veneighbors

The below document reads:

"As still acting President of the BOD for Valle Escondido I am on record stating that their is still a illegal and unauthorized Steering Committee who refuse to relinquish control and until this gets remedied by the Emergency General Assembly meeting called on Nov. 30th, this self appointed SC is prohibited from any spending, hiring, authorization of any contracts, etc., without the consent and vote of the entire HOA of VE.
This excludes current approved expenditures for security, landscaping, trash, etc.

Any Steering Committee member or other owner or representative who attempts to undermine this will be dealt with swiftly and in accordance to the laws of Panama."
Javier Rivera Espinosa
Chairman of VEHOA

Call for General Assembly by President of the VE Board of Directors to vote for New Steering Committee

Despite reports to the contrary, Javier has not resigned as President of the Board of Directors.

October 28, 2014

To All VEHOA Members,

RE: Member’s Call for General Assembly asper Deed 1937, Seventh Article, Member’s Rights

Call for General Assembly

As authorized per the 1937 Deed, as members of the VEHOA, the undersigned hereby call for a General Assembly.


The General Assembly shall be held on Sunday ,November 30, 2014 at 3 PM.


The General Assembly will be held in the Bamboo Room.


For the majority to dissolve the current SteeringCommittee and elect 5 new members.

Sherry Rose, # 2
Dennis Griffin, # 56
Richard Moore, # 153C
Terrence Brown, # 4
Carlos Frias, # 70
Sandy Comstock, # 153D
Ted Harrison, # 12
Mark Schneider, # 73
Edward Kuiper, # 155B
Bill McAbee, # 13
Renae Daoro, # 77
Bonnie Lessman, # 156C
Joel Mahler, # 15
Jerry Maesky, # 87
Roger Kinkead, # 156D
Stan Hime, # 20
John Maesky, # 88
James Lowe, # 156E
Terry Calixto, # 26
Robert Bowling, #100
Barb Severs, # 156F
Caesar Sherrard, # 29
Mick Culbertson, #112
Muk Noong Cheng, # 156I
John Rhoades, # 32
James Peters, # 118
Grace Griffin, # 158 D
Peter Markus, # 33
Scott Lewis, # 126
Rod Parker, # 52
Chuck Thomas, # 146
28 de Octubre 2014

Estimados miembros de VEHOA

RE:  Llamada para Reunion General deMiembros por Deed 1937, Articulo Septimo,Derechos de los Miembros  

Trying to talk sense to remaining SC

Homeowners, it is very important to read letter at the bottom from Julio Brown, the attorney hired by this SC, on his legal opinion of current events.

Jeannie & Carol,

We are at a crossroads per the legal opinion (letter below) of our HOA attorney ( that your group hired).   Whose legal opinion should we take under counsel? We are already committed to his annual contract.

You both are ignoring the community at large's pleas to resign and let us start over, I ask one more time, why?

This is not a game or a soap opera, the events of the last year are affecting owners investments and you both are involved in legal consequences that affect every property owner in VE. I urge you one more time to put your personal aspirations, agenda's aside for the best interest of the community not yourselves.

Please answer in detail to the entire VE community what you hope to accomplish with your stubborn actions. I will gladly support your opinions as long as the entire HOA gets to review your position in detail.

I am pretty sure I speak for the entire community and Richard Charbit who you just thanked for his service.  WE NEED TO START FRESH WITH NEW VOICES FOR VE.  What are you both doing for this transparency? 

Carol, Our recent dialog was asked by you to keep private, why?  Lets be open and transparent. 

I have proceeded with negotiations with Federico for the Transfer Of Assets and soon the entire community will get an overview of legal aspects of the TOA; options for the HOA to choose from; for all owners interest, and a voice to vote as a community to decide what is best for us as one community.  

So, we are making great progress on this front and it is not based on a decision of a small group taking it "AS IS".  It will be based on the entire community speaking their voice to a majority vote!  I would think you would welcome this! 
I respected that Julio was "your" choice as our attorney for the HOA and he clearly knows he represents the HOA in accordance to the laws of Panama. He is lawfully obligated to represent the entire body of owners and we must respect that. His opinion's are what the owners will accept and respect for these critical questions.

Join all of VE owners to decide what is best for all owners and its lawful affects.
Please forward this complete email to all owners of VE, it is important that each owner has clarity of subject. It will also validate to all owner's your desire to offer transparency in an effort to confirm to the community your "vote of confidence".
 No agenda's, Right?
Remember, No name calling or telling others you hate me!

On 2014-10-29 7:07 pm, JULIO.C.E.BROWN wrote:
Regulations provides that all members of the SC need to elected by vote as well members of the board.  
The only way they can put new members in the SC is do elections, but the majority of the membership most vote for that person or persons. 
The current steering committee has no idea what they are doing because they ignore regulations.   
The decisions of SC shall be taken by majority 3 OF 5, and in the present case there is no majority because there are only two active members of the committee and one resigned on September (JB). This means that the actual SC can not decide anything because they are only one person Carol B. 
Edificio Don Alejo, Oficina No. 8
(Edificio de la Caja de Ahorros y El Constructor),
Boquete, Chiriquí, República Panamá.
Teléfono (507) 720-2941  y  Móvil  (507) 6677-5077.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Concerning Charbits letter he sent to VE community today


In response to your email to all VE owners (shown below).

As we have discussed in many recent open dialog of emails; I have ZERO agenda other than what is in the best interest for the entire community.  Right now it is in every owners best interest to find a way to restore property values for peace of mind and for those owners who wish to sell and can get out of VE. (which I understand is many).

As for aligning me with Ralf and assuming it has anything to do with him lining his pockets is not an accurate statement in my opinion. Ralf is dealing with his issues as he and his legal team see's fit and quite frankly it is none of my business.  I always will stand on the side of supporting what I believe is right and wrong, we all are entitled to our opinions regarding this.

You have sent me many private emails recently "MY EYES ONLY" and even though I told you I was for full transparency, I honored your wishes.  I think it wrong that because I disagree with you on many issues you attempt to now attack me as having some agenda other than what is best for the community.  I am not a Joiner of anyone or any group.

All of this has to end, life is to short for everyone.  I encourage all to look at other paths of interest that excludes the stresses that we all have had to endure the past year.  Its time for everyone to move on, heal and figure out our own way to happiness.  Personal attacks do not work, nor are they healthy.
If you recall, I am the one who has promoted over and over new leadership members with fresh ideas for the past 5 to 6 months, not you!  So I am glad you are finally embracing it and we are hoping new owners will step up and serve with new ideas free from the existing parties prior histories in VE ( me included ).

In the meantime, I will continue to do my best to serve with the TOA in VE for the protection of each owners home.  I would hope you would embrace my efforts as I just might be helping you with your investments here.

I hope everyone can figure out a way to heal and find happiness in their lives.
Nobody wins in wars!
No name calling or threats, please!  We do not need anymore actions which validate our failures in VE.
 No need to respond.
Please post----received from Richard Charbit this morning.

All Homeowners,
After serious thought I have decided to resign effective immediately as Chairman of this SC. As you can see, after the last few days, without my strong direction and without any hidden agendas on my part, the few members of the SC that refuse to follow our bylaws, Panama laws and my guideance have created a big mess, and refuse to resign.
It is unfortunate I leave you with a bad choice, on one hand you have a rogué group with their own private agenda, spirited by Bill Day and Mike Traynor, and on the other hand another group spirited by Schneider and master minded by Ralfie that cannot wait to have his hands back in your pockets.
I strongly urge you to try to find a group of FRESH PEOPLE that really have nothing to do with these two small groups, so we can all start again FRESH. An election for a Board of Directors and Steering Committee is now long overdue and the legal and correct thing to do.
I wish all the best and hope you make the right choice.

Richard Charbit

Any Rational Person would step down with the large number of homeowners asking you to resign and with all your lies now exposed. WHY ARE YOU STILL DESPERATELY HOLDING ON?

To: The Remaining SC Members

I have received numerous communications between all of you, whether on record or not, indicating total lack of transparency among each other, the community and incredible insulting name calling of many owners (myself included) with whom you disagree. Amazingly childish I might add.  The dysfunctional nature of this SC must end once and for all in VE. 

Needless to say, what are you holding onto and why?  Your most recent email asking the community to vote on supporting you or not, while explaining yourselves regarding your actions forcing RC to resign would have been a real "No No' if you had competent counsel advising you.  

Are you aware that your legal thesis to the HOA regarding why you forced RC out now clearly establishes your prior knowledge of his past months ago and confirms that all of you were / have been complicit in hiding it from the owners of VE for months?  Not a wise decision to post this if you have criminal / civil charges levied against you in this matter.  Needless to say it also validates to the entire community a longstanding prior agenda to ignore our pleas months ago over and over when the community wanted Richard to step down and we were met with complete silence by all of you.  Shame on all of you!  

I now also see the communication(s) between all of you which confirms there was no real intention to have me serve on the SC as I had said.... It was all B.S. to put our your propaganda headline to the community that "Mark Schneider Turns down offer to serve on the SC "  in a fake effort to appear you were inclusive of others!  What a farce!  


 To be clear & transparent. (I and others met with Julio Brown recently, OUR, HOA attorney. Rumor's persist that you now want to terminate the contract with Julio Brown. If true, and you decide to break the contract you "the SC" signed with him.....The HOA will insist each of you personally pay for it in its entirety out of your own pockets, not the HOA  budget this time.)

Julio will be assisting me in reviewing all the detailed plans, documents and legal ramifications to the HOA for the transfer of assets.  We will then be scheduling a meeting with Federico and their lawyer and begin the legal process and civil process of establishing mutual objectives.  All will be prepared in an outline to the community to review, the community will be involved in each step of the process .

We are also told the SC is not legal in its standing according to our by-laws, so a general assembly meeting will be called soon to insure we are a legal community in good standing according to our regulations and by laws.

From all the communications flying around it is quite apparent you as a group are in complete disarray and dysfunctional at best to perform any SC functions for the best interest of the community right now.

Your group runs this SC like a soap opera for self interest and amusement.  You have zero concern for the owners or what is in the best interest of the community as a whole.  You have all been asked repeatedly to step aside, you continue to resist the will of the community, this while many of you are facing serious legal charges for your recklessness which you should take serious. 

In my opinion, and also of many other owners you are not fit to serve and should allocate your time to defend yourselves. I assure you the email you just sent out to the community will not help you in your legal case.

I am asking you one last time to put your personal emotions aside once and for all, stop the name calling and be professional and just resign and save the HOA the time and aggravation to make it legal.  We have a group of owners in place who will assist the community in this transition period until we can have a legal and fresh functioning body.

Please, no more threats and name calling, it will serve no purpose in healing this community. You have my permission to pass this email along to anyone you wish.

Mark Schneider 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

This SC and its group of "advisers" is a travesty beyond any reality! They are pathetic beyond any form of normal!

As predicted months ago, this irresponsible and reckless group has now turned against each other. How dare the "election inspector" send out a notification in which the same exact people, who turned a blind eye to the truth and went on a deliberate and criminal campaign to slander myself and destroy my company, now give me some kind of "credit"?

Yes, months ago I told everyone involved in this fiasco the truth about Richard Charbit's past. This was after I asked Richard to come clean himself and he chose not to. These same individuals, who now admit that they knew the truth over four months ago, deliberately chose to lie to the VE homeowners and rallied around Richard using him as he used them for their own private agendas. 

This group of individuals, who now have decided that Richard is no longer of use to them, are now asking for your vote of confidence. This after they themselves have engaged in criminal activities making them no better than "SC member # 4".

So where are VE homeowners today as a result of each one of these individuals?

  • Blasco security contacted BCS today saying they do not know who to report to or who is to tell them what to do. 

  • The VEHOA a office was "ransacked" by the now opposing parties within the SC and many items including computers, the VE checkbook, and documents are missing. Blasco security has been locked out the VEHOA office.

  • There are no VEHOA employees to maintain the waste water plants,which were previously maintained by Liberty Services, and Javier, the real President of the VEHOA board of directors who maintained these systems, has supposedly resigned. This is a major concern and huge liability for VE homeowners if these systems fail.

  • The in house legal counsel for the VEHOA was given a contract that has a termination clause for over $27,000. Yet these geniuses, who signed this outrageous contract, now want to hire a different lawyer.

  • There are serious criminal charges against SC members from both the developer and myself due to the reckless criminal activity they engaged in and according to Richard they wanted to sell out VE homeowners in taking the infrastructure "AS-IS" in return for the developer dropping these charges.

Great job!

I am forwarding the email from the "election inspector" to my attorney representing me in my criminal case against SC members. This is clear proof, provided from the same individuals I am suing, that I did tell them the truth over four months ago yet they chose to deliberately conspire to engage in criminal activities to discredit me to the point of saying I was dangerous and violent in an effort to keep homeowners from hearing the truth.

Shame on all of you who were/are part of this. 

Ralf Henrich



Just received this below from Richard Charbit with a request to post:

It seems like Mr. Mike Traynor, self proclaimed lawyer in Panama and unlicensed to practice law in this country, and continuosly offering advise that could hinder the VEHOA and SC and writing documentation such as this, could once again harm the VEHOA.

This is as low as they can go to protect their private personal agendas. This is a SCAM. This has been designed by a hand few who are affected by loss of memberships and personal lawsuits, who are too affraid of any personal actions and now want to use their stay in the SC to protect themselves and have now endorsed Ralf who they were highly critizing before in order to protect themselves.

This is a lie..... Marguerite Heffner did not vote on anything. There was no 3 people vote and how can there be an SC vote without a formal meeting with all members invited. Furthermore, we have written proof of the Heffner´s disagreement with the SC and their non vote.

The acts of Jeannie Bell and Carol Bruner together with Bill Day and Mike Traynor, who had a secret meeting and had Mike Traynor vote as an alternate, where he was not, he had resigned (see below), in order to meet quorum and VOTE OFF Marguerite from the SC without her knowledge or consent, and further conspire to change legal representation which will financially hurt VEHOA and stall the negotiations with the Developer in order to protect their own personal interests are despicable.

This communication is full of lies and misleading facts. I have been opposed to the fact that the dropping of personal lawsuits against Jeannie Bell and Carol Bruner and the reinstatementes of QBCC memberships are made part of the TOA negotiations and this of course, brought me enemies. I do not have a hidden agenda, they obviously do. I called for elections.

There is no SC at this time. There is no legallity to Pat Mains in this SC. The legitimate SC is comprised of Marguerite and Richard, and this phony SC created ilegally by these people for their own personal grain, throwing the VEHOA under the bus with that.

We want and demand elections whether they approve of these ilegallities or not. We want a new SC who is not fraudulent, who will move with the TOA transfer in a fair and open way, without hidden agenda, and we want a VEHOA that is legally within the laws of Panama, with a full Board of Directors as required by law. Right now you have 2 members, one of which will resign the day of the elections, therefore, please, lets see through these few, who are known in VE to put their personal interests before anything else.

I will resign as soon as the elections are properly and legally organized not like this pathetic message with anonymous Inspector.

I urge the whole community to demand the resignation of these people who will not hesitate to push all the home owners under the bus to further their own financial interest

All the best to you all,.

Richard Charbit 
SC chairman


Dear Valle Escondido Owner,

Many of you may not know, but just yesterday, Olga resigned as our administrator, Richard Charbit has agreed to turn in his resignation as Chairman of our SC ( SEE BOTH ANNOUNCEMENTS BELOW).

We are now pressing the remaining body of the SC to also resign, as it is very apparent the infighting is getting worse and we need them all to step down so we can start fresh with a new leadership team who will press for the following goals for us all as outlined below.

Please join us for these refreshing changes that will benefit all owners of Valle Escondido.   We have many owners who are willing to serve and we ask anyone who believes in common sense goals as outlined below to embrace these goals and help us heal and restore our property values in Valle Escondido, this is a must for us all!
Here is what we stand for ( broad terms) and hope you agree!
1) Wrap up the Transfer Of Assets with the developer (get the best deal possible to appease all parties with firm attainable goals in negotiating with Thalia / Federico, but get it done.) Get a qualified attorney to assist us on how to do so in accordance to Panama laws. 
2) Edit / Alter the CC&R's to simplify VE owners obligations /commitments who serve the SC to minimize the number of owner participants from day to day functioning and obligations (because it is too time consuming and hard to get owners to engage.)
3) Design a community model as best we can that is "autopilot" oriented with an administrator at the helm who reports to a 3 person overview board as the board (SC) desires. (they decide).
4) Design the community website for interaction of voting on line / communicating ( no fighting, name calling ) with each other (It  can be much more functional and user friendly for the older folks in VE)
5) Put budgeted funds into immediate defined Road Improvements (entrance), Security, New Entrance Face lift, Create a PR campaign  "The New VE" Fighting Is Over in VE, Happy Days Are Back! (Restore Property values)  immediately.  No more worries about our dues paying for exuberant legal fees!
6) Establish longer term budgets for improvements of our community for the benefit of all owners.
Please join us and let your voice be heard, after all it is your property!

From Richard Charbit, received last night.

Please post,

Steering Committee Coup

The Steering Committee is trying to screw the VEHOA by following Bill Day´s private agenda once again!

This Saturday I was asked to resign by Jeannie Bell and Carol Bruner stating I am unable to perform my duties due to fact I am not in the Panama. I refuse to resign as we are in the midst of negotiations and the dissidents of the SC which comprise of Carol Brunner and Jeannie Bell met at Bill Day's house illegally and voted Pat Mains in the SC, they are conspiring to fire Julio Espinosa which will cost the VEHOA money since he has a 2 years contracts and have excluded Olga from all communications, they want to hire a new lawyer that is not qualified, so that he and Bill Day can negotiate a deal privately and without the involvement of the VEHOA, It seems like in a corrupt switch they are attempting to negotiate the return of their memberships and the cancellation of their lawsuits against throwing the home owners under the bus.

With no Board of Directors, as we only have 2 active members and 1 will resign soon, and no valid SC I am calling an Emergency Homeowners Election.

I am appalled by these dishonest backstabbing maneuvers and will resign as Chairman of the SC as soon as the special meeting is legally called.

Best regards

Richard Charbit

From Olga also received last night:
To all Members of VEHOA:

It is with a heavy heart that I resign effective immediately as Administrator of VEHOA.

When I started working with VEHOA in April, it was with the understanding that my previous experience working with HOAs, community management, construction, administration and accounting will aide the VEHOA in their ongoing process of upgrades to the infrastructure, transfers of assets, etc. I have met with numerous Panamanian engineers who have provided quotations that were necessary for the negotiating process and I have enjoyed working in Valle Escondido. Despite being the middle nasty fights, and even being  the target of a few myself, I made great friends in VE who will always be my friends no matter what.

Recent events however leave me no choice to but to stop rendering my professional services. My goal has always been to do things correctly and transparently and to have an open door policy. There have been actions by members of the SC in these past few days that are not legal and not in the best interest of VEHOA, but rather driven by some hidden or unknown agenda of a select few. The SC has been restructured against the will of 2 members which is against our bylaws. We do not have a Board of Directors or Legal Representative as Javier Rivera, Rosaura de Alvarado and Ricardo Sanjur have resigned. Of course after my resignation, my husband´s time in the BOD is on a countdown. 
If all members of the SC were really working in the best interest of VEHOA, they will be calling right now for a special election meeting for a new BOD and SC members and let the membership decide, but meetings are being held behind closed doors that go against the law, bylaws, and protocol and these decisions made illegally can bring financial harm to the VEHOA.

I am sure some of you have seen a post by Richard Charbit indicating his feelings about the ongoing events, and although some may not like Richard, he had no hidden agendas but only the benefit of the community in his heart and has suffered tremendously for it. 

It is a constant stonewall with the current members who are working against the best interest of VEHOA and not enough care or attention is being spent on important issues such as budget and budget comparison. To continue to say we are unable to present a comparison because the audit for 2014 has not finished is untrue and unfair, there just has been a total unwillingness of the responsible parties to provide this information requested by the membership so many times. I have drafted 2 new budget proposals and presented them for approval and they too have been ignored.

Since my email to Jeannie and the SC last night, I have been excluded from all correspondence and activities of the SC and the VEHOA and what good is an administrator that is kept in the dark just because the advise given is not well taken, well, I can tell you this, what they are doing is not morally correct or legally correct and VEHOA will be affected, I simply cannot partake in these actions and do not want the liability or legal exposure they will bring.

I will be around, I am not running, nor hiding and I will visit my great friends in V.E. whom I love and respect. I wish the new SC well and all members as well. My loyalty and my heart are with the VEHOA. It has been a pleasure working with you and I am truly sorry to be leaving my position.  

​Olga Suarez

Monday, October 27, 2014

SC, it is NOW Time to Resign

To: Both Community Blogs

 I am really tired of defending my character & I am just one voice in VE as we all are.

 This statement on the VEHOA blog about me, (below) is so untrue, I have to defend it.  I also see the VEHOA did not honor my request to post my original answer, so here we go with the "round and around" with more VE SC B.S.
Per Ms. Vatova's blog post about me at bottom:

I will answer 1 more time and no more ( we all need to get a real life & stop all the pettiness that can be avoided here).

I chose not to serve then and continue to not serve to this day with a SC committee who is not open to dialogue, transparent and solution options other than a controlled SC opinion. ( this has all been validated without question.)  

I chose not to serve then as I also choose not to now with those who are not honest or transparent. ( my opinion).  It was not in the communities best interest for me to serve back then with Richard Charbit since we had a very serious dispute between us which would have prevented us to work collectively for the good of the community. 

The then SC cared less what transpired. I disagreed. I am so glad I did not/have not served with this SC, I would not have been a part in anyway with a group who has brought on to themselves multiple civil / criminal charges by their reckless actions by personally attacking and threatening those who disagree with them.

It is now clear the reckless behavior of this group is not going away, many of them are being prosecuted in Panama for their acts of slander, defamation, character assassinations etc. Their actions could also costs all the homeowners in VE a lot of money if the courts award so.  

So to be clear, I want no part of their liability, nor would I have permitted my name on any statements, documents etc. that caused these actions against them. WHY WOULD I OR ANY OWNER WISH TO SERVE ON A COMMITTEE THAT IS AS RECKLESS AS THIS GROUP? PLEASE ANSWER, ANYONE!  

So, Here is my offer to this SC: Since it is a non paying charitable job...., Resign (all remaining). Relax, Enjoy Life and hope all these legal issues can be resolved against you.

 I will agree to step up with a new group of owners with a clear, fresh voice of opinions, solution options and transparent dialogue for the community ( no division of neighbors), based on what I have already outlined and posted (which you have not posted on the vehoa blog). Thank you for serving, we will gladly accept your resignations.  

You have proven, by turning down Dennis Griffin from serving with you (because he did not pass Bill Day's interrogation interview) that it is all about the SC's sole agenda not individual ideas respected by all. ( you all knew I would not serve, as outlined, so that was a propaganda stunt that failed.)
So, let's stop with all the B.S. 

Step down all of you and lets call for a General Assembly and vote for new owners to step up and restore values back into VE. 

If you will not step down, why?  Tell the community why!!  It most certainly cannot be because your tenure is getting  positive resolutions for all owners. What positive results have you achieved?  Lets review them objectively.

1) Improved roads?  NONE
2) Increased security? NONE
3) Beautiful VE entrance face lift? ZERO
4) Enhanced curb appeal? ZERO
5) Higher property values? SINKING FAST
6) Community budget savings? NONE, YOU WANT A 20% INCREASE
7) Unity of neighbors?  WORSE EVER
8) Solutions with the developer?  ZERO & NO HEADWAY EXCEPT THREATS TO JAIL THEM!    
 These are your crowning achievements!   RESIGN ALREADY, WILL YA!

I am very sorry, I really wish I could sincerely thank you for serving and genuinely having the communities interest at heart, but your results speak for themselves.  ( although, Jon Arcuni, to the best he can has seemingly really stepped up, he deserves a thank you, in my opinion!).

Please do not write again and waste my time with all this useless chatter. Resign or fulfill the solutions for the 8 points above!  All else is useless in my opinion!  

Owner "Apathy" has allowed all of this to happen in VE, what a shame! 
Every owner should step up and speak their voice to help us all heal and restore some values and happiness in VE without all the rancor that has been happening for the past 3 to 4 years.  I assure you there are far more important things all of us should be spending our time on in life outside of HOA issues.

Mark Schneider

Post against me by Ms. Vatova........... 

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Good Solutions for VE, presented by Mark Schneider

Update: Marks request to have this below posted on the vehoa blog was ignored by the SC.

If the SC would have allowed for an overview of different objectives to be put in front of the community instead of the choice of words used "AS IS"  much of the problems could have been avoided in the letter. VE is at a very tenuous place as we know and "construe" comes to mind when we have opposing views without clarity. 

On another note............….

Candidly, My goal for the VE SC would be to do the following and promote it as fast as possible to ALL owners:

1) Wrap up the TOA (get the best deal possible to appease all parties with firm attainable goals in negotiating with Thalia / Federico, but get it done.)

2) Edit / Alter the CC&R's to simplify VE obligations /commitments to minimize the number of owner participants from day to day functioning and obligations (because it is too time consuming and hard to get owners to engage.)

3) Design a community model as best we can that is "autopilot" oriented with an administrator at the helm who reports to a 3 person overview board as the board (SC) desires. (they decide).

4) Design the community website for interaction of voting on line / communicating ( nicely ) with each other (I think it can be much more functional and user friendly for the older folks here.)

5) Put budgeted funds into immediate defined Road Improvements (entrance), Security, New Entrance Face lift, Create a PR campaign  "The New VE" Fighting Is Over in VE, Happy Days Are Back! (Restore Property values)  immediately.

If you guys want this, I am on your team, if you want to continue down the current road, I wish you the best, but count me out! ( just do not interfere with my rights as an owner or inflict expenses on me w/o my approval outside of road, security and basic budget demands.)

I have a very workable and respected relationship with Federico / Thalia. Can I make any commitments "NO", but I am your best option to secure the best deal in VE for ALL owners given the community upheaval for the past 4 years. 

So, if you truly want resolution and get a chance to get our lives back to normalcy/happiness the above plan is what I believe is your best option for all owners.  Continuation of war only leads dead soldiers to be buried! 

A Simple Life Lived Is The Most Rewarded!

To Both Community Blogs:

This was posted on the VEHOA blog, and was sent to me from a neighbor this morning.  I take offense to it. It is misguided propaganda designed to give the impression the SC is "Open Arms" now. (shown at bottom)

Carol Bruner & Richard Charbit have engaged me in private communications (where I asked all emails to be released to all owners for complete transparency, but I honored their "Eyes Only" requests.)  

But to be clear, I stated to them, I did not wish to serve with this SC and gave an outline of reasons why to them. I told them I thought if they had no agenda as they profess, everyone should resign and let the community vote for who they want to serve. Or at least accept Dennis Griffin who I thought would be a great candidate to be on the SC. They should put it out to ALL owners and let any owner with an independent voice the option to serve.

I sensed this would play out as a "Division" tool for this SC and I do take offense to it.  Please now post my outline I forwarded regarding the " Transfer Of Assets" to the community so everyone can see it, so we are fair.  

I support Dennis Griffin or any other neutral voice to be on the SC.  Primarily,  I support a completely new SC as I said for months, so lets stop with the political wrangling. We need a fresh, clean start in VE!  Can we do this? Can everyone just agree to call a GA with a new vote?  

I know there are 4 to 5 owners who would step up with a fresh SC vote to change this community for the good without the party sides.  Aren't we all tired yet?  Haven't we had enough?  I think I speak for many many owners who just want peace and property values restored in Valle Escondido! Nothing more, nothing less!

 Posted on the Vehoa site.
Mark Schneider Turns Down Offer to Join VEHOA Steering Committee
Due to the resignation of Barbara Votava from the Steering Committee,  Carol Bruner resigned.  She had been appointed to fill Michael Burd’s position.   Carol then was appointed by the Steering Committee to fill Barbara Votava’s vacancy.
This has left one seat vacant.  Several people have indicated their interest in serving on the Steering Committee.   After careful consideration, the Steering Committee felt that Dennis Griffin might better serve the new condominium’s organization of their homeowner’s association as at least seven condos remain untitled.
About the same time,  Mark Schneider had expressed his interest in working on the asset transfer negotiations  and the Steering Committee invited him to join the Steering Committee.  Mark declined the offer this week.
Steering Committee

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Dear Mr. Arcuni,

You should send your sentiments directly to Mark. Obviously as all owners know in VE there is great dissension with many owners and this SC's group for lack of transparency, so many neighbors will not  / would not serve with this group under any circumstances (not speaking for Mark). 

We know of many who want to serve, but find it difficult when it is all agenda oriented instead of inclusive for the benefit of all owners in VE.  We are passed all the insinuations or challenging of others motives etc.  

We do however know that Dennis Griffin was interviewed by Bill Day and turned down to serve on the SC. Mark Schneider offered to serve with the Bill Day on the Transfer Of Assets team and was was turned down. 

Bill Day's group is the one that wants to take our infrastructure "As Is". They only want those on their team who agree with their "private agenda". Otherwise, why not let any owner serve when so few wish to?   

We are glad Mark is still willing to offer his services and skill sets to help us, we need to support him. The alternative was a group who had no progress and to the best of our knowledge embroiled in civil / criminal charges from the developer.  This teams efforts will not benefit getting the VE owners favorable results.


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Water concerns

Dear Mr. Arcuni,
You have a voice like any other owner in VE and are free to investigate and ask these questions to the parties you would like the answers from. We will gladly post the answers you provide on VEneighbors site.  Our site is strictly about honest dialog in and for the protection of each owners property and our enjoyment in VE.  We have no agenda and appreciate the work you do for our water / sewerage system. 

------- Letter from Mr. Arcuni below.

Some serious problems:

 Within the past three weeks, the SC received an invoice in Spanish from Liberty Services? that neither I or Olga could understand. I declined to authorize the payment. The following letter was written to Analia and authorized by the SC:

1. Previously I requested an invoice clearly written in English to express the concerns of water billing. None was forwarded. I would like to look at a proper business invoice with details of the charges and dates. I could make no sense of the one submitted.

2. In addition, I would like to see a written agreement, clearly typed and signed by the parties to any agreement concerning water billing. I know we have been paying Liberty Services or another entity somewhere abut $110 a month and been told that it is for Noria water,  chlorination, and ANAM fees for the concession. Since this has been in play for a fairly long time, my authorization was not required. I would authorize this normally.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Owners Are Getting FED UP With Games!

Jerry & Bill

Needless to say based on the email I received this morning the community is very upset with you guys for not negotiating anything on behalf of the community and accepting the assets  "As Is".   I stayed out when so many encouraged me to get involved, well I think the community will now vote a "No Confidence" vote on you guys and the SC after this fiasco without presenting your plan to the community.
I will arrange a meeting with Federico Salazar and develop a new panel of owners for us to move forward and this panel will negotiate in good faith and present the options to the community to vote.  
Your group is "irrelevant " now and we are tired with the no transparency agendas.  You have had 3 years and well over $150K of wasted homeowner money on your failed agenda.  

There are many well versed & competent owners in this community who will now be appointed outside of this SC and get this done properly with integrity and for the best interest of ALL VE owners, not just the few with their own agenda.
I will gladly forward this email and your response to both blogs.

Mark Schneider 

On 2014-06-09 8:18 am, Bill Day wrote:

The VEHOA Steering Committee has appointed me and Jerry Loveless to negotiate with Federico about the transfer of the VE infrastructure to VEHOA.  I will attempt to make contact with him.

Bill Day