If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Monday, July 21, 2014


Just yesterday Boquete Consulting Security (BCS) was notified via email by Julio Brown, attorney representing the VEHOA and the SC, that effective this Monday morning, July 21, there will be a new security company in Valle Escondido and that the long time experienced and trusted guards that have serviced the VE homeowners are to vacate the security offices that BCS have leases on. A copy of that email is below.

The Following information was provided to us by BCS: 
In that same email ( attached here )Julio Brown confirms that there was NO RESTRAINING ORDER in effect against Ralf Henrich, but this SC has told the homeowners over and over there was one against him. Why do they not tell the truth to us?  It is out of hand.

Here are a List Of Falsehoods

That restraining orders were served on Ralf Henrich- FALSE
That the steering committee could not attend Ralf Henrich's “meeting” because of this restraining order – FALSE
That a ’Corregidora’ was sent from David and that Ralf Henrich was served a restraining order – FALSE
That BCS is not legal - FALSE
That BCS does not have a license to provide the services it does – FALSE
That Ralf Henrich illegally trained BCS security guards in firearms - FALSE 

Questions for us?

1) Did the SC notify "US" the residents, and ask our opinion, about the “new” security company and/or allow us to vote?

2) Have they given us a detailed background of the new guards that will have access to your properties?

3) We will now be paying for 2 Security Services, Did You Approve this?

4) There are so many questions we have and have not been afforded any say in this very important topic. Shouldn't we have a say on these important issues?

5) Why did the SC committee not attend the Meeting Ralf Henrich had on Friday? When we now know they clearly could have attended without any legal issues.  They simply are not truthful!

6) Mr. Henrich showed us all the documentation proving the SC is totally misleading us homeowners, are you aware of the following;

At this meeting Mr. Henrich provided the proof that BCS is licensed to provide the “security” services it performs for us.

Residents that attended that meeting were clearly impressed by all the documentation supported by Mr. Henrich and learned firsthand the continued falsehoods of this SC. There were over 30 owners who wished to attend via skype but could not as the internet was down in the valley. Mr. Henrich will be uploading an audio file of that meeting soon and post that audio file on this VE NEIGHBORS  Blog. Just click the documents tab above
Also presented at the meeting by Mr. Henrich;

-Were the proofs that BCS has all the permits and licenses to provide the services it does.
-That BCS employees have all the required insurance, weapon certifications by licensed Panamanian instructors, have personal background checks as required by law, and have taken the required drug and psychological tests.
-Were notarized and authenticated documents  proving the extensive Law Enforcement training Mr. Henrich received at the Bergen County Police Academy.
-Validation the SC received all the documents requested from BCS in regards the the minimum wage issue.
It is quite apparent this SC is attempting to destroy BCS at our expense and we should be very concerned about losing this lawsuit do to the actions of this SC.    
Please get involved and tell our neighbors and demand honest answers.
The Valle Escondido Neighbors
Licdo. Bonilla:
Se solicito con el respeto acostumbrado que no remita correos de está naturaleza, pues los mismo son infructuosas. Por otra parte, los procesos no se discuten por correo electrónico si no en los Tribunales. La semana que se aproxima cada parte será notificada de la resolución que ordena  las medias de protección correspondientes.
Aunado a lo anterior, le comunicó que el suscrito no tiene control sobre las actuaciones privadas de los miembros de la Asociación, ya que los mismo viven es un Estado libre y soberano donde pulula la libertad de expresión. Lo que sí debe manifestarle a su cliente el señor Henrich que no tenga ningún tipo de acercamiento con los miembros de la Asociación y sus oficinas para evitar confrontaciones sin sentido, y para finalizar se le notifica que a partir del día lunes tendremos una nueva compañía de seguridad privada en la garita principal del proyecto, lo anterior es para que se tomen las medidas correspondientes con BC,S.A. y desalojen todo el personal de BC,S.A. Recuerde que todavía estamos a tiempo de negociar.
Que pase un buen fin de semana,
Translation of Julios response to Bonilla
Lic. Bonilla,
I respectfully request that you not sent out mails of this nature, as the same are unfruitful. On the other side, the processes are not discussed by email but in the courts. Next week each part will be duly notified of the resolutions of the pertaining protection orders.
With that said, I inform you that the undersigned does not have control over the private acts of Members of the Association as they live in a FREE state where freedom of expression prevails. What you should clarify to your client Mr. Henrich is that he must not have any proximity to the members of the Association and its offices to prevent senseless confrontation, and to finalize you are notified that as of Monday we will have a new private security company at the main garita of the project, with this said, we anticipate the BC, S.A. vacate all personal belongings of BC. Remember we still have time to negotiate.
Have a great weekend


Anonymous said...

I just received this email and have not been back to the Valle for 5 months, owned property for 5.5 years, I am disgusted by what is happening. Where are the other owners to speak up? Who will pay for this mess? I certainly will not. Count my check book out! By whose authority is this SC in charge? owners should be appalled.

Anonymous said...

Below is a part of an email dated 7-16-14 from Jeannie Bell, a member of the VEHOA SC:

p.s. one thing I did not mention is that we have NOT signed a contract with another security company at this time, because since we have to follow the law, obviously we would not want VEHOA obligated to two security companies, but we are ready to have the gate covered immediately as necessary.

Now granted she clarified her statement with "at this time", but to state that they would not obligate us to pay for 2 security companies when at this moment I see 2 security companies at the front gate.

They had no right to obligate our money this way without a vote from the General Assembly. The General Assembly approved the budget, but from where I stand, 2 companies is way over budget.

Feel free to post this comment.

Anonymous said...

I was told the SC would pay for the BCS contract themselves, if they lose the case. Lets confirm this at Wed.'s meeting. That is fair if they want to be reckless, but will personally pay for its outcome. No problem with me!